About Us
MesinGame.com has been a manufacturer of the best amusement and arcade games since 1982. We are an innovator of coin operated amusement games, consistently manufacturing the highest quality redemption games, and have become an industry leading producer of sports games for the home, arcade and office. Today, We carries one of the largest, most prolific product ranges in the coin operated industry. We sell our products into over 70 different countries around the globe. Our commitment to product quality and reliability as well as after sales parts and service is unparalleled.

The management team consists of several individuals deeply committed to producing, selling and servicing the highest quality amusement products in the coin operated industry. The sales team brings a combined experience of over 75 years in this business. This sales experience along with total commitment to the technical service and spare parts aspect of the business make one of the world leaders in amusement games.
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Head Office
Jl. Mesjid No. 49, Sei Putih Tengah
Medan - Sumatera utara
Telp. 0812-1992-1300

Kantor Cabang JAKARTA
Parang Teritis Raya No.15
Ancol Barat - Jakarta Utara
CP. Nancy
Telp/WA: 081286131187
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